Default Folder X 4.3.5

Default Folder X 4.3.5が出ていました。開く・保存ダイアログ機能拡張。Mac OS X 10.4以上。シェアウェア($34.95)。

What’s new in Default Folder X 4.3.5

  • Fixed an error which could leave Default Folder X’s controls on-screen after a Save dialog was dismissed. This would occur in Carbon applications if you entered a Spotlight tag or comment and then clicked Save or Cancel in the first Save dialog to come up after the application was launched.
  • There’s now a switch to disable the updating of OpenMeta tags. The latest version of OpenMeta uses different names for its tags, and therefore has to convert all your existing tags to the new format. This can use a lot of CPU time, so you may want to wait and do it while your computer is idle. Note that if you use Default Folder X for OpenMeta tagging, your old tags must be converted before Default Folder X will see them. However, if you only use tagging in a specific context, such as in your email using MailTags, you can safely disable the tag conversion. To turn off tag updating, option-click on the Settings button in Default Folder X’s preferences, then turn on the DisableOpenMetaUpgrade checkbox.

  • Default Folder X 4.3.4

    Default Folder X 4.3.4が出ていました。開く・保存ダイアログ機能拡張。Mac OS X 10.4以上。シェアウェア($34.95)。

    What’s new in Default Folder X 4.3.4

    • Default Folder X now remembers the width of the sidebar in Open and Save dialogs. Resize it once and it will be the same size the next time.
    • Solved the problem of the Default Folder X Addition.osax file getting moved to the Trash every time Default Folder X was restarted.
    • A white ‘ghost’ of Default Folder X’s controls no longer appears after a file dialog has been dismissed.
    • Preferences were not always saved when you restarted your Mac. This has been fixed.
    • Default Folder X is now compatible with the latest release of Cinema4D (version 11.528).
    • There’s no longer a long delay when you use the Get Info command from within the Default Folder X application or from the menubar menu.
    • If a floating window popped up (in PTHPasteboard, for example) while Default Folder X was displaying its rename dialog or another modal window, the application owning the current Open or Save As dialog could hang. This has been fixed.
    • Default Folder X’s logic for remembering and restoring the size and position of file dialogs has been improved.
    • Default Folder X’s controls now correctly show and hide themselves in Save As PDF dialogs.
    • Numeric sorting works correctly in hierarchical menus (“Folder 1”, then “Folder 2”, then “Folder 12”).
    • When expanding a Save As dialog using the little triangle next to the filename box, Default Folder X’s windows no longer flicker.
    • The keyboard equivalent shown in the Recent Folders menu now has one arrow instead of two when running under Snow Leopard.
    • The appearance and disappearance of the Default Folder X bezel is now smoother.
    • Text is no longer truncated in the Info window of the French version.
    • Default Folder X uses the latest version of OpenMeta.

    Apple iPhoto アップデート 8.1.1

    アップルから「iPhoto アップデート 8.1.1」が出ていました。ソフトウェア・アップデートから。

    このアップデートでは、顔認識のパフォーマンスと精度に影響する問題が解決されます。また、ブックの注文および iPod touch のサポートに関する小さな問題も修正されます。

    このアップデートは iPhoto ’09 のすべてのユーザに推奨されます。

    このアップデートの詳細については、次の Web サイトを参照してください:

    Apple LED Cinema Display iSight Firmware Update 1.0

    アップルから「LED Cinema Display iSight Firmware Update 1.0」が出ていました。LED Cinema Display内蔵のiSight用です。ソフトウェア・アップデートから。

    このファームウェア・アップデートにより、LED Cinema Display の内蔵 iSight カメラがアプリケーションにより認識されない場合がある問題が解決されます。

    The Unarchiver 2.2

    The Unarchiver 2.2が出ていました。解凍ソフト。 Zip、Tar-GZip、Tar-BZip2、Rar、7-zip、LhA、StuffItのフォーマットに対応。フリーウェア。

    Version 2.2:

    • Korean and Traditional Chinese translations.
    • Support for the XZ compression format, along with support for embedded XZ in RPM and XAR files.
    • Support for LZMA2 and some more filters in 7-zip.
    • Support for NSA and SAR.
    • Better support for unicode in Zip files, and some bugfixes for Korean.
    • Better support for MacBinary in Zip.
    • Fixed an issue where the final file in a Zip file created on OS X might get lost.
    • More robust reading of gzip files.
    • Fixed an issue with the interface, where the window was sometimes left open.

    Cyberduck 3.3

    Cyberduck 3.3が出ていました。FTP/SFTPクライアント。Snow Leopard対応正規版。64bitアプリ。フリーウェア(ドネーション)。

    3.3 (5552) Nov-13-2009

    • [Feature] Octal input field for permissions [#13]
    • [Bugfix] SOCKS proxy support broken [#3803]
    • [Bugfix] Connect to default bookmark for new browser window [#3798]
    • [Bugfix] Excessive Growl notifications [#2388]
    • [Bugfix] Icon set explicitly for every downloaded file [#3824]