Cyberduck 2.7.3

Cyberduck 2.7.3が出ていました。FTP/SFTPクライアント。フリーウェア(ドネーション)。

[Bugfix] Problem parsing PASV response from some servers (FTP) #779, #869]
[Bugfix] Stalls when connection is interrupted during DNS lookup #960]
[Bugfix] Improved sorting in ‘Kind’ browser column #993]
[Bugfix] Renaming files using Info panel causes repeated renaming #1005]
[Bugfix] Uploading folders interrupts file transfer (SFTP) #1001]
[Bugfix] Preference for auto-open delay for spring-loaded folders not saved #633]
[Bugfix] Preference to open new browser window on launch not used #997]
[Bugfix] Symbolic links on local filesystem not handled properly [#995]
[Bugfix] Send creation time of file with UTIME [#–]
[Feature] Clear command in History menu [#648]
[Feature] Preference to exclude files from transfers using regular expression [#511]


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