Cyberduck 3.8

Cyberduck 3.8が出ていました。FTP/SFTPクライアント。フリーウェア(ドネーション)。

Version 3.8

  • [Feature] CDN configuration with custom origin server (Amazon CloudFront)
  • [Feature] CDN invalidation requests (Amazon CloudFront) (#5197)
  • [Feature] Connecting to Swift Storage (Openstack)
  • [Feature] FireFTP Bookmarks Importer
  • [Feature] CrossFTP Bookmarks Importer
  • [Feature] Perform MD5 hash calculation during upload (#5186) (S3, Cloudfiles)
  • [Feature] Rename existing files on upload or download (#5117)
  • [Feature] Show last access timestamp in history (#3805)
  • [Feature] Synchronize comparing MD5 checksum of file (S3, Cloudfiles, Dropbox, Azure)
  • [Feature] Display decimal file size (OS X 10.6) (#3771)
  • [Feature] Display relative date in browser (OS X 10.6)
  • [Bugfix] Slow SFTP transfers (#185)
  • [Bugfix] Reduced upload preparation time for thousands of files
  • [Bugfix] Connect through HTTP/HTTPS proxy (#5379)
  • [Bugfix] Support for S3Fox directory placeholders (S3)
  • [Bugfix] Support for Google Storage Console directory placeholders (S3)
  • [Bugfix] Support for s3sync.rb directory placeholders (#5374) (S3)
  • [Bugfix] Connect through HTTP/HTTPS proxy (#5379) (Google Docs)
  • [Bugfix] Changing storage class fails (S3)
  • [Bugfix] Apply ACLs recursively (S3)
  • [Bugfix] Apply custom HTTP headers recursively (S3)
  • [Bugfix] Interoperability (#2609, #4231, #2915) (WebDAV)
  • [Bugfix] SSL version number incompatibility (#5061)
  • [Bugfix] Preserve upload modification date does not work for folders (#3017)
  • [Bugfix] Uploading large documents might fail (#5411) (Google Docs)
  • [Bugfix] Web URL configuration fails for relative default path (#4012)
  • [Bugfix] Support CIDR styled patterns for hosts excluded from proxy settings (#5142)


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